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How AI is changing the anatomy of work

July 26, 2023

There are those who fear the advance of artificial intelligence in the labor market, making pessimistic forecasts, but there are also those who see the tool as a career and business ally. Making resumes, improving e-mails or simulating job interviews are some examples of simple tasks that can be performed by ChatGPT.

A study by ResumeBuilder in the United States reveals that 46% of candidates said they use technology to write resumes or cover letters. Among these, seven in ten said they achieved a higher response rate from companies when using AI-made resumes – and 59% were hired.

For those who insist on resisting the idea of a changing world of work, McKinsey’s latest report on the subject reminded: “Technology has been changing the anatomy of work for decades. Over the years, machines have given human workers various “superpowers”; for instance, industrial-age machines enabled workers to accomplish physical tasks beyond the capabilities of their own bodies. More recently, computers have enabled knowledge workers to perform calculations that would have taken years to do manually.” 

Generative AI has the potential to change the anatomy of work

According to the paper, current generative Artificial Intelligence and other technologies have the potential to automate work activities that absorb 60 to 70 percent of employees’ time today. Furthermore, generative AI has more impact on knowledge work associated with occupations that have higher wages and educational requirements than on other types of work.

McKinsey’s updated adoption scenarios, including technology development, economic feasibility, and diffusion timelines, lead to estimates that half of today’s work activities could be automated between 2030 and 2060, with a midpoint in 2045, or roughly a decade earlier than in previous estimates.

“Stakeholders must act—and quickly, given the pace at which generative AI could be adopted—to prepare to address both the opportunities and the risks,” the authors conclude.

Source: McKinsey | Valor Econômico