Actively seeking to acquire knowledge, skills, and experiences throughout the entire life: being a lifelong learner is a mindset and a commitment to continuous personal and professional development throughout one’s life. It involves an active and intentional approach to learning that goes beyond traditional educational settings.
According to many universities, the benefit of lifelong learning is well documented and researched. In a recent article, Utah State University’s Extension Assistant Professor Emma Parkhurst summarizes the main benefits for mental health. They are:
And if that’s not enough, the University of Cincinnati, also in the United States, has added other reasons to adopt lifelong learning right away:
Research shows mental activity could stave off age-related cognitive and memory decline. Lifelong learning can also enhance self-esteem while giving you a sense of purpose and hope and feelings of competency.
The landscape of the workforce is forever changing and becoming a lifelong learner is one the best things you can do to increase your employability. Show your employer that you’re willing to adapt and continuously learn new skills.
Whether you’re looking to build on a skill you already have or explore a topic that is completely new to you, continued education can help you develop practical skills that will enrich all aspects of your life.
Studies find that people are hard-wired to look for relationships with “like-minded people,” meaning that they have similar interests. Other studies have also found that individuals bond over passions for hobbies and rare interests.
Source: USU | University of Cincinnati