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Here we speak up to broadcast the future

Urgent upskilling needed to prepare workforces

Urgent upskilling needed to prepare workforces

The Future of Jobs Report 2025, published by the World Economic Forum, reveals that job disruption will equate to 22% of jobs by 2030, with 170 million new roles set to be created and 92 million displaced, resulting in a net increase of 78 million jobs. Technological advancements ...
A global talent ranking

A global talent ranking

What’s the state of investment and development in home-grown talent? How much does a country appeal to talent? And what degree of skills and competencies exist in the talent pool? The comprehensive World Talent Ranking study seeks to answer these questions by combining statisti ...
Future-proofing skills: a non-negotiable for workers

Future-proofing skills: a non-negotiable for workers

Talent continues to prioritize the future-proofing of their skills, particularly in light of the widespread adoption of AI. Despite more complex attitudes to career progression and ambition, there is a continued thirst for training and development in both current roles and for fu ...
Brazil is the Latin American country that least values the study of English

Brazil is the Latin American country that least values the study of English

For 62% of Brazilians who didn’t study English, not knowing the language was indifferent to their careers, according to the Opinion Box survey, carried out by Pearson in Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Colombia and Chile. On the other hand, according to information published by ...
Empowering Black entrepreneurs

Empowering Black entrepreneurs

Six in 10 Black women view entrepreneurship as an important pathway to wealth creation and believe more can be done to advance entrepreneurship opportunities. By addressing the systemic barriers they face when building their businesses, entrepreneurship could become a viable path ...
The culture of covering: how to disrupt it

The culture of covering: how to disrupt it

Despite all the efforts and progress towards inclusion in the workplace, ‘covering’ is still a subject for debate, and a lot of it — that is, downplays known disfavored identities to fit into mainstream corporate cultures. According to a recent study released by Deloitte’ ...
7 practices to advance equity in the workplace and beyond

7 practices to advance equity in the workplace and beyond

Everyone should play a role in advancing equity. At least for the majority of respondents of the latest report from Deloitte’s DEI Institute™. Yet, not all of them agree that they have a personal responsibility to do so. The researchers surveyed full- and part-time adult (18+ ...
In the US, Black women still struggle to achieve wealth

In the US, Black women still struggle to achieve wealth

Despite progress and big dreams, American Black women still face barriers to building generational wealth. Goldman Sachs One Million Black Women (OMBW) released a national survey focused on understanding the economic mobility journey for Black women and their opportunities for bu ...
Parity for women remains five generations away

Parity for women remains five generations away

Now in its 18th edition, the Global Gender Gap Report 2024 reveals that the world has closed 68.5% of the gender gap. However, at the current pace it will take another 134 years – equivalent to five generations – to achieve full gender parity. Globally, the gender gap has clo ...
8 key drivers of agile companies

8 key drivers of agile companies

Agility in business refers to the ability of an organization to rapidly adapt to market changes and evolving customer needs with flexible, efficient responses. In today’s fast-paced environment, where technological advancements and consumer expectations shift at breakneck s ...
Only 6% of CEOs in the world are women

Only 6% of CEOs in the world are women

Only 6% of CEOs are women worldwide, according to the 8th edition of Women in the Boardroom, a survey carried out by Deloitte, a global consulting and auditing firm. Although still a low percentage, in 2023 there was an increase of 1% compared to the previous year. “Since many ...
Shaping the future of learning

Shaping the future of learning

A recent World Economic Forum report explores how artificial intelligence could revolutionize education systems and improve the experiences of educators and students alike. The new research outlines AI’s wide-ranging potential – from personalizing learning experiences, to str ...
We learn better from people we like, research shows

We learn better from people we like, research shows

The process of learning has been widely studied in psychology and neuroscience. Many factors influence the way we integrate information into our brains, namely depending on the source from whom such information comes, but new research proves that if you like some people, you are ...
Hiring for skills

Hiring for skills

Taking into account what candidates know rather than the places they’ve been and the degrees they hold is a trend in talent acquisition for this year, according to a study by global organizational management consultancy Korn Ferry. The report shows that global demand for th ...
The business value of inclusion

The business value of inclusion

Every year, billions of dollars are poured into diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives, yet business leaders have minimal insight into what works—and whether the investments lead to results. Therefore, the Boston Consulting Group released a survey quantifying the re ...
The Reskilling Revolution is on

The Reskilling Revolution is on

Launched in January 2020, the Reskilling Revolution aims to empower one billion people with better education, skills and economic opportunity by 2030. During the World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting 2024, the community of leaders announced that it reached more than 680 million ...
What women really want at work

What women really want at work

Despite what many people might think when they see social media trends like “lazy girl jobs” (which is nothing more than younger generations changing careers to find a better work-life balance), women and men are looking for the same things at work. According to updat ...
4 reasons to become a lifelong learner (if you’re not one yet)

4 reasons to become a lifelong learner (if you’re not one yet)

Actively seeking to acquire knowledge, skills, and experiences throughout the entire life: being a lifelong learner is a mindset and a commitment to continuous personal and professional development throughout one’s life. It involves an active and intentional approach to lea ...
Vocational training: the key to adapting to a changing labour market

Vocational training: the key to adapting to a changing labour market

Boosting access to vocational training will be critical to ensure more young people can meet increasing demands for skilled workers and adapt to and benefit from the profound changes spurred by the green and digital transformations. The OECD Education at a Glance 2023 says that 4 ...
The women leading higher education in the US

The women leading higher education in the US

A recent survey on the profile of US university presidents, conducted by the American Council of Education, found that only a third of the presidencies are held by women, a rate that has been stagnant for years. This figure goes against the current context: 60% of university stud ...
Creative Culture

Creative Culture

By João Moreira  Cultural diversity is one of humanity’s greatest assets. The ability we have to multiply ourselves in languages, religions, traditions, rituals, costumes, habits, and props, among other manifestations, is the true anthropological heritage that we have cre ...
The network effect on career-building

The network effect on career-building

More than 80% of women use networking to reach important positions in companies. A new report, published by Chief, a North American women network, spoke to 751 leaders in the United States and found that networking plays an important role in achieving great things especially in w ...
Gender equality is stalling, new report shows

Gender equality is stalling, new report shows

Gender parity globally has recovered to pre-COVID-19 levels, but the pace of change has stagnated as converging crises slow progress, according to the World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap Report 2023. The report finds that the overall gender gap has closed by 0.3 percentage ...
The state of global emotions

The state of global emotions

Gallup’s annual Global Emotions Report found that positive emotions recovered in 2022, after dropping for the first time in 2021 following years of stability. More people felt well-rested, experienced enjoyment, and smiled or laughed the previous day: 71% of people worldwide sa ...
Top 10 consumed business skills

Top 10 consumed business skills

Business leaders have an essential role to play in helping their employees build the skills they need. This effort is critical both to address the unique and complex challenges of today’s work world and to prepare for rapid future change. According to Udemy’s 2023 Workpla ...
Evolving board equity and representation

Evolving board equity and representation

A recent report from Deloitte and the Alliance for Board Diversity shows that 22% of Fortune 500 board seats were held by individuals from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups, up from 17.5% in 2020. More than half of the Fortune 500 now have boards where more than 40% of se ...
Women and the financial services industry

Women and the financial services industry

How are women faring in ascending to the highest levels of leadership? How was this tracking with the share of women on financial services institutions (FSIs) boards? And are organizations focusing enough on nurturing talent in the pipeline, talented women who could move into the ...
5 pieces of advice Bill Gates wishes he’d received in college

5 pieces of advice Bill Gates wishes he’d received in college

In May, Microsoft founder Bill Gates spoke to recent graduates of the College of  Engineering, Informatics, and Applied Sciences and the College of the Environment, Forestry, and Natural Sciences at Northern Arizona University in the United States. He began his speech by saying ...
Representation to overcome inequalities

Representation to overcome inequalities

By Filipe Reduto Gaspar I grew up surrounded by examples of people who look like me – white men – occupying most of the leadership positions. I saw them in the places I attended, and through the media, where also, in fiction, most of the heroic characters were just li ...
How women leaders seek to provide stability amid uncertainty

How women leaders seek to provide stability amid uncertainty

Executive women believe that trust in business leadership is paramount to providing stability in today’s climate. That’s the result of a survey of more than 1,100 high-performing executive women who are 1-2 career steps away from the C-suite, with broad leadership experie ...
Why efforts to promote DE&I are falling short

Why efforts to promote DE&I are falling short

Diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEI&B) is a topic that is being pursued by companies worldwide, but making it a consistent practice is still a challenge. Nearly two-thirds of employees think their companies are not doing enough to foster DEI&B in the workplac ...
Analytical thinking: the core skill of 2023

Analytical thinking: the core skill of 2023

According to the Future of Work 2023 report, released by The World Economic Forum, companies predict that 44% of workers’ core skills will be transformed by 2027 because technology is moving faster than firms can design and scale their training programs. In that vein, some ...
Gender equality: an action guide

Gender equality: an action guide

Despite more and more women reaching the top ranks of leadership, which is a hard-won achievement, the picture is still overshadowed by the fact that women remain acutely underrepresented in the middle management tiers, jeopardizing the prospects for a healthy pipeline of future ...
Building a strengths-based culture

Building a strengths-based culture

A strengths-based culture that all employees respect is only successful if senior leaders articulate how strengths fit into the organization’s purpose and performance objectives. Gallup’s new book — Culture Shock — brings organizational culture as the biggest ...
7 big companies join forces to accelerate black professionals’ careers in Brazil

7 big companies join forces to accelerate black professionals’ careers in Brazil

Gerdau, iFood, Itaú Unibanco, LinkedIn, Magalu, Nubank and Vale announced the launch of the #CarreirasComFuturo Movement to disseminate diversity and inclusion (D&I) initiatives in the Brazilian workforce, with a focus on career development and belonging for black profession ...
The impact of mansplaining on women’s careers

The impact of mansplaining on women’s careers

Mansplaining, that is, commenting on or explaining something to a woman in a condescending, overconfident, and often inaccurate or simplistic way, has been increasingly discussed in society and within companies. New research shows that the impact of the practice on women’s ...
The top 10 online MBAs in 2023

The top 10 online MBAs in 2023

The Spanish IE Business School has this year overtaken Britain’s Warwick Business School in the list of the world’s best online MBAs, thanks to its good performance in criteria such as salary increase after completion of the course. The Financial Times’ list of the ...
Lack of funding: the main challenge for LGBTI50+ entrepreneurs

Lack of funding: the main challenge for LGBTI50+ entrepreneurs

Despite greater openness in recent years to address issues involving sexual orientation and gender identity, prejudice and discrimination are still obstacles for LGBTI+ professionals who decide to become entrepreneurs. In Brazil, according to a survey by Itaú Viver in partnershi ...
Women hold 40% of seats on boards in Europe’s financial sector

Women hold 40% of seats on boards in Europe’s financial sector

European financial services companies are making progress, albeit slowly, in the gender diversity pillar. According to the latest EY European Financial Services Boardroom Monitor, the largest financial firms are taking proactive steps to increase female representation and enhance ...
Incorporate equity for prosperity

Incorporate equity for prosperity

By Filipe Reduto Gaspar Diversity in companies is an asset to be worked on and nurtured. It’s positive from a social point of view, but also from the perspective of innovation and competitiveness. Happy Conference 2023 | An Everyone Culture – Embracing diversity, ...
Clear the path to accessibility

Clear the path to accessibility

By Filipe Reduto Gaspar Diversity in companies is an asset to be worked on and nurtured. It’s positive from a social point of view, but also from the perspective of innovation and competitiveness. Happy Conference 2023 | An Everyone Culture – Embracing diversity, ...
Extraordinary women building an equal world

Extraordinary women building an equal world

Closing Women’s week, we bring the list of the Women of teh Year, elected by Time magazine. The 12 women featured come from across the globe and have made significant impact in their respective communities and fields, from activism and government to sports and the arts. For ...
10% of the largest US companies now have female CEOs

10% of the largest US companies now have female CEOs

Since the beginning of the year, five new women have joined the ranks of CEOs at Fortune 500 companies, bringing the total number of women in such a position to 53. According to Forbes magazine, this means that, for the first time in history, more than 10% of Fortune 500 companie ...
Growing with intergenerationality

Growing with intergenerationality

By Filipe Reduto Gaspar Diversity in companies is an asset to be worked on and nurtured. It’s positive from a social point of view, but also from the perspective of innovation and competitiveness. Happy Conference 2023 | An Everyone Culture – Embracing diver ...


New episode is out! In March’s editorial meeting, Filipe Reduto Gaspar joins Carlota Ribeiro Ferreira, Benedita Sampaio Nunes and Nathalia Toledo to give clues about what will happen on stage at Teatro Tivoli on the 21st. Yes, Happy Conference 2023 is coming up and we’ ...
Equalizing genders in life and work

Equalizing genders in life and work

By Filipe Reduto Gaspar Diversity in companies is an asset to be worked on and nurtured. It’s positive from a social point of view, but also from the perspective of innovation and competitiveness. Happy Conference 2023 | An Everyone Culture – Embracing diver ...
How small companies can develop strategies to increase future readiness

How small companies can develop strategies to increase future readiness

Small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and mid-sized companies represent 90% of all companies and are responsible for close to 70% of jobs and GDP globally, and yet, according to a recent report released by the World Economic Forum, they are often the most affected by economi ...
Respect the rainbow of identities

Respect the rainbow of identities

By Filipe Reduto Gaspar Diversity in companies is an asset to be worked on and nurtured. It’s positive from a social point of view, but also from the perspective of innovation and competitiveness. Happy Conference 2023 | An Everyone Culture – Embracing diversity, ...
Self-promotion: no longer a matter of vanity

Self-promotion: no longer a matter of vanity

The creative industry staff particularly hyper-focused on finding distinct ways to feel appreciated and valued at work while solo professionals rely on self-promotion to build a network of clients and collaborators. That’s one of the outcomes of the latest We Transfer Ideas ...
Foster an eth(n)ical awareness of difference

Foster an eth(n)ical awareness of difference

By Filipe Reduto Gaspar Diversity in companies is an asset to be worked on and nurtured. It’s positive from a social point of view, but also from the perspective of innovation and competitiveness. Happy Conference 2023 | An Everyone Culture – Embracing diversity ...
Nurturing a culture of tolerance for multiculturalism

Nurturing a culture of tolerance for multiculturalism

By Filipe Reduto Gaspar Diversity in companies is an asset to be worked on and nurtured. It’s positive from a social point of view, but also from the perspective of innovation and competitiveness. Happy Conference 2023 | An Everyone Culture – Embracing diversity ...
Remote work is making diversity teams a reality

Remote work is making diversity teams a reality

A recent analysis of LinkedIn Self-ID data found that there was a 20% increase year over year in the share of women applying for remote jobs, and a 10% jump year over year in the share of women who accepted a job offer for a remote position.  The data also shows a 16% increa ...
Demystify the (pre)concepts of diversity

Demystify the (pre)concepts of diversity

By Filipe Reduto Gaspar We aren’t all alike, and that’s a good thing. Each person has their own personal characteristics, which not only make them unique, but also serve to fit them into the different groups that make up society. However, the difference in our ch ...
One in four professionals has been fired because of age, survey shows

One in four professionals has been fired because of age, survey shows

Although longevity is increasing globally, research still indicates that older people still face difficulties to stay in the labor market. A survey conducted this year with Brazilian HR professionals by the platforms, Colettivo and Talento Sênior, and published by Valo ...
The main reason black people open their own businesses is not what it should be

The main reason black people open their own businesses is not what it should be

Organizations are changing when it comes to diversity and inclusion. Just as well. But negative experiences in the labor market still leave major scars that we need to look at: the lack of opportunities to hold leadership positions, the lack of appreciation, racism and discrimina ...
Socioeconomic diversity: 5 tips for companies to increase it

Socioeconomic diversity: 5 tips for companies to increase it

Despite the efforts of companies to promote diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) among minority groups, such as women, blacks and the LGBTQIA+ community, the most significant part of the social pyramid has been left aside from affirmative action: the poorest. Less than one ...
BR TALKS | Laura Salles, Plurie Br

BR TALKS | Laura Salles, Plurie Br

New talk is out! In today’s episode, a businesswoman who founded a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion ‘Edtech’ to change the corporate environment through education. Nathalia Toledo and Rafael Lopes welcome Laura Salles, founder and CEO at Plurie Br. Join us! ...
Hiring female CEOs changes how companies talk about women

Hiring female CEOs changes how companies talk about women

Gender inequality has been deemed the ‘greatest human rights challenge of our time’ by the United Nations, and scholars across numerous disciplines agree that gender stereotypes represent a primary way by which this inequality is maintained. Research published by the Proceedi ...
60% of European women have already turned down a job to take care of the family

60% of European women have already turned down a job to take care of the family

According to a study of professionals in leadership positions in Germany, France, Italy, and the UK, 60% of women have turned down a job offer because of family responsibilities. Among men, 45% have done the same. The survey is from BCG (Boston Consulting Group) in partnership wi ...
Anti-racist companies: a framework for action

Anti-racist companies: a framework for action

Many have downplayed the existence of systemic racism around the business world, but Black professionals who experience daily microaggressions and barriers to advancement in the workplace know it exists. In some countries, higher unemployment, precarious occupations, underutiliza ...
Leaders in Action: Tim Vieira

Leaders in Action: Tim Vieira

Season 2 on the way! Since the work for the second season has begun, the WIN World Newsroom revisits the inspiring stories featured in the first season of Leaders in Action Society. Today: an entrepreneur for good. Tim Vieira speaks from beer to Africa, from providing to re ...
Five key gender diversity metrics

Five key gender diversity metrics

Amid the urgent need for gender parity in the global labor force, many companies face the challenge of closing the gap without clear data on the diversity of their talent pipeline or their workforce over time. As a result, they aren’t able to accurately identify problems or lau ...
Why empower workforce learning

Why empower workforce learning

Reinventing and revitalizing a company culture is one of the biggest priorities for business leaders in today’s rapidly evolving climate, in which the requirement to engage and retain talent is fiercer than ever. A learning culture, in particular, is key to improving the employ ...
Case to be followed: US Women’s Soccer has approved pay equity agreement

Case to be followed: US Women’s Soccer has approved pay equity agreement

The world of sports is one of the most lucrative businesses in the globe, and just like throughout the corporate environment, it also faces equity and gender pay gap challenges. According to information reported by Forbes, in 2016, members of the Women’s National Soccer Tea ...
Companies speed up diversity and inclusion initiatives, but effectiveness is still low

Companies speed up diversity and inclusion initiatives, but effectiveness is still low

The corporate world has already understood that diversity is something vital not only for building a healthier environment but also for the development of the business itself. According to a survey conducted by the global organizational consulting firm Korn Ferry, 83% of companie ...
Covid and economic crisis delay gender equity to 132 years from now

Covid and economic crisis delay gender equity to 132 years from now

Global progress in reducing gender inequality has been too slow to recover from the losses accumulated during the Covid19 pandemic, according to the World Economic Forum’s latest Global Gender Gap Report. The 2022 result represents an improvement over the previous year, whe ...
Individual and plural actions: “a matter of survival”

Individual and plural actions: “a matter of survival”

There is no denying that the issue of health and well-being is in the spotlight. But the truth is that it should never have been off the agenda, with or without a pandemic. This is the mindset that has guided Kátia Regina Pereira during her almost 20-year career in the human res ...
Making companies inclusive — a leader’s give-back mission

Making companies inclusive — a leader’s give-back mission

Born in the suburbs of Rio de Janeiro, Leizer Pereira, despite being a minority (black and with a consolidated career in the area of Telecommunications Engineering) felt the need to help not only young black, disabled, and LGBTQI+ people, but to help companies hire and include th ...
Leaders in Action: Diana Gomes da Silva

Leaders in Action: Diana Gomes da Silva

Season 2 on the way! Now that the work for the second season has begun, the WIN World Newsroom revisits the inspiring stories featured in the first season of Leaders in Action Society. Today: a brave pilot for brave flights. Diana Gomes da Silva unravels the first steps in her c ...
Learning is becoming central to everyday work

Learning is becoming central to everyday work

Linkedin’s new report on learning reveals a shift in the overall landscape as a result of the pandemic. How L&D (learning and development) professionals responded to Covid-19 and helped their organizations adapt earned them a seat at the table.  According to the re ...
Leaders in Action: Carlos Moedas

Leaders in Action: Carlos Moedas

Season 2 on the way! Now that the work for the second season has begun, the WIN World Newsroom revisits the inspiring stories featured in the first season of Leaders in Action Society. Today: a passionate advocate for diversity and institutions. Carlos Moedas reveals how he tran ...
EU reaches agreement on gender equality for company leader positions

EU reaches agreement on gender equality for company leader positions

The European Union (EU) has reached an agreement to require companies listed on European stock exchanges to have at least 40% female representation in board positions by 2026. The European Commission first proposed the legislation in 2012, and formal adoption still requires appro ...
Flexibility: the gateway to a diverse, equitable, and inclusive workplace

Flexibility: the gateway to a diverse, equitable, and inclusive workplace

Offering flexibility to employees is emerging as a significant way to move the needle in a positive direction on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). A new survey by Future Forum reveals that flexibility continues to be most valued by those who have been underrepresented in kn ...
Creating School-Companies: where all are learners

Creating School-Companies: where all are learners

Spending more than 20 years in the same company. Does it sound boring or adventurous to you? Well, you should know that for Agatha Arêas, currently VP of Learning Experience at Rock in Rio, there was not even a dull moment. “Learning and unquietness move me. The secret is ...
Gender Equality Leaders: the positive impact of those who are getting it right

Gender Equality Leaders: the positive impact of those who are getting it right

“After a two-year setback for gender equality in the workplace, it is critical that employers act now”. That’s one of the major messages the recently release Deloitte’s Women @ Work 2022 brings out. According to the report, flexible working is only availab ...
Employees with high thinking skills are more likely to recover from failure and not repeat offenses

Employees with high thinking skills are more likely to recover from failure and not repeat offenses

Professionals with a greater ability to self-reflect and regulate their moral behavior are more likely to bounce back after a failure. This is because they can look at their past moral failures, which momentarily diverted them from their “moral compass,” and reprogram ...
The new people shaping the future

The new people shaping the future

Women have been particularly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, prompting them to adapt to new realities. A survey of 10 countries with more than 100,000 respondents shows that they are now focusing more on their health, learning new skills to find safer jobs, and adopting digita ...
Providing financial education to employees: a strategic issue

Providing financial education to employees: a strategic issue

Nine out of ten employees (91%) agree that companies need to encourage and teach about financial education, according to a survey conducted by Creditas@Work with 1,500 Brazilians. The study showed that 45% of employees say the company where they work offers access to or support f ...
What Ketanji Brown Jackson’s confirmation to the US Supreme Court reminds us

What Ketanji Brown Jackson’s confirmation to the US Supreme Court reminds us

Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson gave a soaring speech to mark her confirmation, quoting Maya Angelou’s famous words in saying that she too was “the dream and the hope of the slave.” The United States Senate has approved U.S. President Joe Biden’s nominee, Keta ...


5th episode is out! On this 4th of April, an avalanche of content still reverberating in our minds post-Happy Conference 2022. We discussed passion-driven attitudes, the power and challenges of compassion for leaders, and the need to take time to assimilate the new learnings. Joi ...
Leaders can unlock women’s performance up to 5x more with the right support

Leaders can unlock women’s performance up to 5x more with the right support

Yes, leaders have a huge opportunity to increase women’s human potential. According to a survey carried out by Accenture with 7,000 employees from 3,500 companies in 14 countries, when leaders better manage everyday work experiences, women can increase their potential 4.7 times ...
March 8th: still a generation to close gender pay gaps

March 8th: still a generation to close gender pay gaps

2022 and global gender gaps remain all over the world, despite decades of international attention and efforts. Current data from the World Economic Forum shows that there are still gaps in education, health, economics and politics.  According to the WEF’s Global Gender Gap ...
The world’s top young universities

The world’s top young universities

Young universities are thriving, providing excellent education and research. The Times High Education’s latest ranking of institutions less than 50 years old includes some new entries, led by Africa, Oceania and Asia. The 2022 list includes 539 universities, up from 475 in 2021 ...
Why should we care? The importance of caring in the workplace

Why should we care? The importance of caring in the workplace

By Mayra Coelho Although ‘organizational culture’ has been deeply explored in management studies, ’emotional culture’ and ‘caring’ are subjects that only recently started to be investigated regarding their importance to the work environment. Co ...
The best MBAs of the world: US, France/Singapore, UK and Spain on Top 10

The best MBAs of the world: US, France/Singapore, UK and Spain on Top 10

Wharton School, from the University of Pennsylvania, US, has the best MBA program in the world, according to the annual ranking by the British newspaper Financial Times. In the recently released ranking, the American Columbia Business School appears in second place, while the Fre ...
Have you stopped to breathe today?

Have you stopped to breathe today?

By Nathalia Toledo In one of my most recent personal journeys, I, a journalist and curious, immersed myself in a yoga teacher training with a single goal: to delve into a subject with which I have always identified (and practiced), but always swimming in the shallow. I needed to ...
Companies unite for racial agenda

Companies unite for racial agenda

Almost 50 companies got together in a non-profit association to outline strategies to combat structural racism in Brazil and leverage the inclusion of black professionals in the job market, especially in leadership. The Movement for Racial Equity (Mover) reunites 1.2 million empl ...
Complex agendas, unexpected events, doubts, choices and… healthy fittings!

Complex agendas, unexpected events, doubts, choices and… healthy fittings!

By Carlota Ribeiro Ferreira This might be well one of the most stressful topics to many people. Deal with busy schedules, the desire to be involved in everything and last-minute changes due to unexpected events that really need to be considered.  No panic. There’s no o ...
Gender equity policies big in companies grow 25%

Gender equity policies big in companies grow 25%

The number of companies with a specific area to take care of the gender equity strategy, with a focus and budget to include women in leadership, has grown by 25% in the last two years. According to the recent edition of the survey “Women in Leadership,” carried out by Brazili ...
The Philosophy of Children

The Philosophy of Children

By João Bettencourt “I think colleges are basically for fun and to prove you can do your chores, but they’re not for learning.” This is what Tesla’s CEO Elon Musk said at the Satellite 2020 Conference. He continued: “I want to make sure Tesla’ ...
The economy of solitude

The economy of solitude

By Rafael Lopes In recent days, the world has found itself afflicted by yet another pandemic. The pandemic of which I speak is not of a pathogenic nature but rather a psychological one: loneliness. The concept of loneliness is by no means a new phenomenon but it has been thrust b ...
Time to break patterns of socioeconomic barriers and privilege in the workplace

Time to break patterns of socioeconomic barriers and privilege in the workplace

A recent study conducted by D&I experts about the workplace experience of those from different socioeconomic backgrounds has found that wealth differences influence the paths through which people enter and progress through their professional careers, and suggests what leaders ...
Can we stop calling them “soft” skills?

Can we stop calling them “soft” skills?

By Benedita Sampaio Nunes Awareness, vulnerability, empathy, compassion, courage, patience, communication through writing and speaking, the capacity to listen, emotional intelligence in general, creativity, work ethic, organization, collaboration, dealing with a crisis… As oppo ...
New Year’s wishes at work: flexibility

New Year’s wishes at work: flexibility

Recent research on the expectations of professionals concerning the future of work shows that the interest in well-being should remain on the companies’ agenda in the coming year. 80% of respondents expect managers to continue to respect their personal lives, time with fami ...
What is your purpose? (Can’t stand this spiel anymore)

What is your purpose? (Can’t stand this spiel anymore)

By Nathalia Toledo I admit. The trivialization of this word makes me want to stop right here. Suddenly, the well-being market, the business market and the self-care market, among others, incorporated this “purpose” talk to reformulate their brands, their communication ...
WIN World, inspiring the future

WIN World, inspiring the future

By Carlota Ribeiro Ferreira In a particular moment in our lives, a quick boldness, our company’s 13-year story told in a very personal way. From WIN World to the entire world, so that we can together give new worlds to the world. And why am I writing this now? Well, I belie ...
French business schools dominate 2021 FT ranking

French business schools dominate 2021 FT ranking

At a time of pressure in the wake of the pandemic, the 18th annual Financial Times ranking of European business schools highlights the 95 institutions that achieved a high performance even being forced to adapt to online and blended learning, face rising competition from alternat ...
Beyond academic learning

Beyond academic learning

Over the last few years, social and emotional skills have been rising on the education policy agenda and in the public debate. For the first time, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) surveyed to measure these skills among the future labor generation. ...
Organizations at a tipping point in D&I agenda

Organizations at a tipping point in D&I agenda

The pandemic has pushed firms and leaders into deliberate how diversity and inclusion (D&I) evolve within their systems, culture, and strategy, according to the global Future of Inclusion survey conducted by Intel. Among 3,000 executives or managers of companies with more tha ...
A new business contract for education

A new business contract for education

A new report of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) asks for reflection on the type of education the world wants looking to 2050, suggesting practices that can be maintained or abandoned. The document “Imagining Our Futures Together: A ...