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AI tools bring welcome relief for overworked IT teams

September 6, 2023

A new Freshworks survey conducted with 2,000 IT professionals around the world found that 71% of IT professionals are already using A.I. to support their workload and boost personal productivity.

“Nearly all see benefits to employees using generative AI for work, as it frees up teams from mundane, repetitive tasks to focus on more strategic responsibilities,” concluded Freshworks editor Sanjay Gupta.

The survey shows that while IT professionals have concerns about A.I.’s tendency to produce false information, security and privacy issues, and the potential it may lead to layoffs, they also see significant benefits, including freeing up employees to do more complex work.

According to the research, 86% of IT pros report that their organizations are already using it, while 51% say their companies actively encourage using AI for work. “There’s a huge opportunity for AI within organizations’ IT departments — which often are struggling with software bloat — to better manage the out of control number of business software apps and systems that seem to expand in complexity every year and drag down productivity, budgets, and morale,” Gupta added.

Source: Freshworks | Fortune