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Digital transformation: a critical growth driver in 2022

April 5, 2022

Business leaders are upping investments in what they see as the top drivers of growth this year. The current PwC Pulse Survey shows that, for more than three-quarters of them (77%), the ability to hire and retain talent is most critical to achieving growth. Less than a third (31%) expect talent shortages to ease this year. Next comes digital transformation, cited by 60% as the most important growth driver. 

“Executives have always told us that investing in digital transformation is the smartest way forward. This year many plan to build on those investments and, with talent in short supply, it will be all the more critical to get the most out of digital investments”, the report says.

Sharpening talent strategies and applying digital transformation across the enterprise to more areas from tax efficiency to pricing strategies have become unified, businesswide priorities. For 42% of companies, tax will be central to their digital transformation efforts.

“That’s a marked shift from the focus on specific functional goals we’ve seen in the past. With wages likely to stay high and labor shortages increasing risk, talent has risen to the top of CFO and CRO agendas.”


Source: PwC