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ESG: agenda on the rise in organizations priorities

December 2, 2021

The ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) agenda has not been limited to isolated sustainability initiatives by companies. It may not yet be the majority globally, but a huge part of the corporate world seems to have understood what analysts have been saying for some time: ESG is not a marketing strategy, but a business strategy.

A study carried out by the Brazilian Association of Business Communication (Aberje) indicated that 95% of Brazilian companies have Environmental, Social and Governance topics as a priority in their corporate agendas. The report also shows that the area has been treated more strategically by organizations, and 67% of them have a formal structure responsible for monitoring and managing these issues — 51% report directly to the company’s CEO.

According to the survey, the covid-19 pandemic has boosted the sustainability agenda within companies: 58% of organizations that responded to the survey said the pandemic made them believe more strongly that becoming sustainable is important. For 62% of them, the goal is to have a tangible positive impact on society, while 24% hope to meet investor expectations.

Regarding obstacles to implementing ESG projects, limited funding was identified as the main difficulty by 35% of respondents. For 28%, the problem is the lack of uniformity in understanding the terms of sustainability among stakeholders and, for 27%, the main obstacle is the difficulty in measuring the performance and quantifying the benefits of projects.


Source: Aberje