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Gen Z is hungry for mentorship and development

January 29, 2024

It’s well known that many young people have lied once or twice about having an advanced level in Excel or Powerpoint to get a job. But Generation Z feels it doesn’t have to be that way. At least if they were better trained in the skills employers ask for. When asked what types of training they’d like to see more of, 48% said they wanted more training on hard skills related to their jobs, compared to 33% for soft skills. About a quarter believe their current role isn’t utilizing their skills to their full potential.

According to Adobe’s recently released survey of more than 1,000 young professionals, Gen Z is eager for career guidance with 83% saying a workplace mentor is crucial for their career. However, only about half of workers reported having a mentor. 

Despite career development being seemingly top of mind for Gen Z, over half of survey participants stated they only participate in career development training programs less than once a month, citing not having enough time as the number one obstacle.

Gen Z aspires to do meaningful work and will speak up

The latest Adobe Future Workforce Study also provided an in-depth look at how young professionals see company values and corporate social responsibility: early career starters want to be change-makers in their workplace and are not shy about using their voices. 

Most respondents (89%) said they are comfortable with providing feedback to their peers and colleagues. They also readily speak up about workplace opportunities regardless of level, with 74% stating they feel comfortable giving upward feedback to managers or supervisors.

“As the newest generation entering the workforce, Gen Z is disrupting the way we work. They are curious about new technologies like generative Al, demand a diverse and inclusive workplace with career growth opportunities, and care deeply about personal and company values alignment and transparency around corporate social responsibility initiatives. Companies that want to attract and retain the best Gen Z talent need to be attuned to their expectations and willing to adapt,” said Cortney Erin, Vice President of global Talent Acquisition at Adobe.

Source: Adobe Future Workforce Study