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Gen Z: prioritizing mental health is non-negotiable

June 20, 2023

A recent survey by TimelyCare, an American firm that offers emotional support to students, revealed that 92% of college students believe employers should offer mental health benefits, and more than a third are prioritizing these companies during their job search.

Generation Z is expected to make up 27 percent of the workforce by 2025, and executives looking to attract top talent can benefit from thinking about the mental health facilities they can offer and their commitment to ensuring that employees use them.

According to the report, nearly eight in 10 graduating seniors say COVID-19 impacted their workforce preparedness, and a majority citing the pandemic’s impact on their mental health as their No. 1 reason for feeling less prepared. Other findings are:

  • 61% of the students surveyed are stressed about finding and keeping a job after graduation.
  • Graduating students said the two most important factors other than salary when considering jobs are flexible work hours (72%) and a flexible work environment (49%). Those factors ranked ahead of medical benefits (45%) and vacation time (39%).
  • Though the majority (53%) prefer a fully in-person work environment, 26% would like a hybrid position and 21% want to be fully remote.

“Employers should view the Gen Z passion for self-care and their insistence for mental and emotional health support in the workplace as a unique strength that has the potential to change work culture for the better.”, said Luke Hejl, CEO and co-founder of TimelyCare.

Source: TimelyCare