Over the last 15 years, studies have demonstrated the impact of meditation, exercise, relaxation sessions, and emotional expression on mental health, quality of life, social resilience, and biomarkers including pro-inflammatory cytokines, stress hormones, growth factors, and cell response.
Now, a study published by the cancer journal founded by the European Institute of Oncology in Milan, Italy, points to the physical and mental benefits of singing in a group. A pilot study with 193 participants revealed that a single choir session reduced stress hormones and increased levels of immune proteins in people affected by cancer.
“The longitudinal aspect of the study showed that singing significantly decreased anxiety and increased well-being for carers and improved self-efficacy and self-esteem for those who had been bereaved”, the authors said.
The Sing With Us research, funded by Tenovus Cancer Care, analyzed the saliva of cancer patients who participated in a choir in Wales. The study suggests that singing in a choir may help put cancer patients in the best possible position to receive treatment and maintain remission.
Participants sang in a single 70-minute choir rehearsal, gave a saliva sample, and completed a questionnaire assessing their mood and stress levels before and after the trial. The results indicated that the singers’ moods increased and their stress levels decreased. According to the researchers, this is the first study to show that the immune system can be affected by singing.
Source: Centre for Performance Science | Valor Econômico