Common sense might think that older people would be more settled or comfortable in their careers, not eager for a change of direction. A new survey, however, shows something different from this. By listening to 500 people from all age groups, social classes, and regions of the country in order to understand their desire to change careers, the resume platform Onlinecurriculo obtained the following data:
The research found that 70% of respondents do not believe there is an age limit to make a career change. A much smaller portion (13%) say that the ideal age for the transition is up to 40, while 10.6% say that 30 is the limit for this.
The survey also wanted to understand the reasons that lead people to want to change careers:
The biggest concerns among those who want to change careers are developing new skills and finding opportunities in the field. Fear of being frustrated with the choice is ranked third among the challenges. The opinion of others about the transition appeared as the reason that least worries the respondents.
Source: Você RH | Valor Econômico