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Sustainability in companies goes beyond money

Sustainability in companies goes beyond money

By Filipe Reduto Gaspar The word “sustainability” is on everyone’s lips. Given the context of climate emergency that we live in, it is only natural that, as a society, we are concerned about investing in sustainable practices to ensure a future for us, for our l ...
Time for action is now: emissions can be halved by 2030

Time for action is now: emissions can be halved by 2030

Without immediate and deep emissions reductions across all sectors, limiting global warming to 1.5°C is beyond reach. However, there is increasing evidence of climate action, said scientists in the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report. “We are at a cr ...
Restaurant menus are part of climate solution, new studies attest

Restaurant menus are part of climate solution, new studies attest

The World Resources Institute has trialed the effects of positive messaging on people’s food choices. In a recent study, the two most effective descriptive messages doubled the chance that a consumer would order a vegetarian menu item.  Participants who read the messages  ...