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Here we speak up to broadcast the future

Mental health support increasing, but workers still struggle

Mental health support increasing, but workers still struggle

The availability of organizational programs to support employee well-being has significantly increased in just the last year, a new survey led by Conference Board reveals. But that still doesn’t mean effectiveness. “The increased focus on mental health and well-being in t ...
Europe introduces massive ban on toxic chemicals to eliminate health and environmental hazards by 2030

Europe introduces massive ban on toxic chemicals to eliminate health and environmental hazards by 2030

The European Commission has published its “roadmap” to ban thousands of the most dangerous chemicals for health and the environment from consumer products by 2030. After many postponements, due in particular to fierce opposition from industry, the European Commission ...
The global run to end pandemic this year

The global run to end pandemic this year

According to the UN, the COVID-19 pandemic could be defeated in 2022, but only if vaccines, tests and treatments are made available to all people. World leaders are calling for $23 billion to support the ACT-Accelerator, a landmark collaboration that makes the goods accessible to ...
Restaurant menus are part of climate solution, new studies attest

Restaurant menus are part of climate solution, new studies attest

The World Resources Institute has trialed the effects of positive messaging on people’s food choices. In a recent study, the two most effective descriptive messages doubled the chance that a consumer would order a vegetarian menu item.  Participants who read the messages  ...
The ‘anti-burnout’ leadership

The ‘anti-burnout’ leadership

Do leaders who build a sense of shared social identity in their teams thereby protect them from the adverse effects of workplace stress? According to the global research published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, yes. The study, conducted ...
Working life is getting shorter

Working life is getting shorter

At least in Europe, where people are living longer, but spending fewer years working. For the first time since 2000, the expected average duration of working life has dropped. Data from 2020 shows that the expected average duration of working life for 15-year olds in the European ...


Third episode is out! In yet another WIN World Newsroom editorial meeting, cooperation is the heart of the debate: have you ever thought about joining a global well-being community? And more: are technology and health always allies? Or can they become adversaries? Join us! ...


Third episode is out! In yet another WIN World Newsroom editorial meeting, cooperation is the heart of the debate: have you ever thought about joining a global well-being community? And more: are technology and health always allies? Or can they become adversaries? Join us! ...