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Work-Life Balance: the countries that are leading the way

Work-Life Balance: the countries that are leading the way

How much time of your week do you spend working? The amount people spend (not) at the office is one of the most important aspects of a healthy work-life balance. According to the OECD, “evidence suggests that long working hours can harm personal health, compromise safety an ...
One or two days in the office: the ideal setup, Harvard suggests

One or two days in the office: the ideal setup, Harvard suggests

Hybrid work is emerging as a novel form of organizing work globally, and Harvard researchers have reported causal evidence on how the extent of hybrid work—the number of days worked from home relative to days worked from the office—affects work outcomes. The study examines ac ...
Working life is getting shorter

Working life is getting shorter

At least in Europe, where people are living longer, but spending fewer years working. For the first time since 2000, the expected average duration of working life has dropped. Data from 2020 shows that the expected average duration of working life for 15-year olds in the European ...