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Top 10 consumed business skills

August 30, 2023

Business leaders have an essential role to play in helping their employees build the skills they need. This effort is critical both to address the unique and complex challenges of today’s work world and to prepare for rapid future change. According to Udemy’s 2023 Workplace Learning Trends report, communication skills are the most consumed for business, ahead of aspects such as project management, leadership and agile methodology tools.

Out of the top 10 business skills overall, 5 of them focus either on methods of communication or leadership skills. The other 5 fall into the category of project management, operations, and tools.

Top 10 consumed business skills

  1. Communication skills
  2. Foundational project management
  3. Foundational leadership
  4. Agile
  5. Scrum
  6. Project Management Professional (PMP)
  7. Business communication
  8. Business analysis
  9. Effective meeting strategy
  10. Management skills

Communication is the glue that holds teams together and allows organizations to function. Without it, leadership is powerless. Goals aren’t clear, decisions aren’t explained, and often customers aren’t happy. In today’s rapidly evolving hybrid landscape, there’s no room for misses due to misunderstanding. No wonder that communication in its many forms — presentations, meetings, listening, and written formats — is the area of greatest demand when it comes to business skills,” the report says.

The study points out that learners are underlining the importance of creating alignment, fostering collaboration and teamwork, mitigating conflict, and enabling productivity. At the same time, the ability to manage complex work projects (and the technology to do so) is seeing intense growth. In a hybrid world, where teams no longer have the chance to sit down around the table on a regular basis, there has to be a deliberate effort to track projects and keep everyone in sync and accountable.

Source: Udemy Business