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Why professionals from different fields want to migrate to technology

August 1, 2022

Even without a higher degree in technology or digital, most professionals are interested in working in these areas. This is what a recent Land survey, published by the Brazilian newspaper Valor, indicates. The research heard 3,153 people. Of the total, only 9% are graduates in technology or digital and 91% in courses such as management, marketing, economics and law. 

Among the non-technology graduates, 78% are interested in migrating to the sector and 65% take or have taken IT professional courses. Moreover, even without working in a technology division, 77% of respondents report having activities considered ‘tech and digital’ in their routines.

The result shows that, in some way, these professionals already rely on technology-related knowledge in their day-to-day work. “The market talks all the time about the need for candidates to fill IT vacancies,” Land’s director Caroline Cadorin told the newspaper. “But we see a population (in Brazil) that doesn’t have a minimum educational direction for the area and is interested in conquering a possibility to work in the segment.”

According to the study, 84% of respondents want to take professional courses in IT and digital, but 76% of the companies where the group without a technology background works do not encourage qualification – the survey shows that the main reasons for this are the lack of an internal development program (47%) and the value of training (34%).

Source:  | Valor Econômico