Brazil has been facing high unemployment rates – about 12 million Brazilians are looking for an opportunity, according to official data – but more than half of the HR managers of big companies state that there is a growing movement of voluntary layoffs in the country.
The study “Great resignation – The resigned resignation wave in Brazil”, by the organizational consultancy Blue Management Institute (BMI), heard 48 HR leaders of corporations with annual revenues above R$ 1 billion and found that 52% of them claim to be witnessing a wave like the one that began in the United States.
However, according to the data collected, most of the dismissals have occurred among qualified professionals, with complete higher education, contrary to what happens in the USA, where voluntary dismissals are on the rise among employees at the base of the pyramid. Two main factors explain it, according to the respondents: a better financial condition, which supports the search for vacancies in the hybrid model (54.2%); and the escape from a “toxic corporate culture”, highlighted by 52.1%, and based on the absence of diversity, equity and inclusion in the companies, and a feeling of disrespect towards employees.
“The need to seek an activity that provides greater personal fulfillment is a motivator that leads the most qualified professionals to resign,” said Daniel Augusto Motta, founding partner and CEO of BMI, in an interview to Valor Econômico newspaper. “If for a long time the power of articulation and bargaining [in labor relations] was stronger for the employer, today the professionals are the ones who set demands at the negotiation table. This should lead organizations to offer new bonds and working models if they want to be attractive to the best talents,” he concludes.
BMI’s survey found that HR departments are already taking new steps to recruit. These include designing career opportunities with horizontal as well as vertical growth (43.8%); reducing entry requirements, and improving compensation and flexible benefits packages (33.3% each).
Source: Blue Management Institute | Valor Econômico